About Me

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Erevan, Armenia
Hi! My name is Tigran. I’m 14. I’m from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. I study in school №100. I’m proud that I am citizen of Armenia. I love my city. I like to walk by streets of my city, to watch at old and new buildings. When I’m near by the old buildings, I contact with our ancient history. When I see new buildings, I imagine our outlook. Most of all I LOVE Armenian nature. I like our rivers, so strong and violent... Our mountains, high and calm... Our forests and prairies.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Modul #3

The Limbic brain: We see many bright colors and listen to the music.
The Reptilian brain: We wonder "what a wonderful painting style" and "what did the clown do there".
The Neocortex brain: At the end we read the massage and understand that it was only an advertising.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Personal Media Inventory

I like reading books: advancers, detectives, historical books and science fantasy. My favorite books are “The Three Musketeers”, “Sherlock Holmes Marks”, ”Captain Nemo or 100000 Lie Under The Sea” and other.

Really I don’t like to read newspapers or magazines. But when I want to know the news when there is no other media, I use the newspapers.

I like to listen music. I like to listen Jazz, Rock and why not classic. My favorite music bands are Metallica and Scorpions. My favorite musicians are Ray Charles and Adriano Chelentano.

I don’t watch television very often for now, because there is not interest.

I like to play video games. For now I play Godfather and S.P.O.R.E. My favorite games are Prince of Persia (1, 2, 3), Need for Speed and Black and White.

I use computers very often. I like use computer programs. I know such programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Premier Pro and others. I try to learn Adobe Flesh.

I like to spend time on the internet. I like to watch new films, listen music and talk with friends by the internet.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Knowledge Tree

1.My name is Tigran. I am 14 years old. I am from Armenia.
I like to study physics, mathematics, languages, biology and computer programs. My have passion to computer technologies. My dream is to make a new world were everyone would be equal. I am quiet and observer. Really I don't like to lie and fight. But when there is no way to chose, I will fight. I don't like when boys began to use bad phrases when girls are near.

2.I like to read books, play computer games, work with programs and listen music.
I read many books: adventures, science fiction, historical and detective story. My favorite books are “The Three Musketeers”, “Sherlock Holmes’s Marks”, ”Captain Nemo or 100000 Lie Under The Sea” and other. I like to play video games. For now I play Godfather and S.P.O.R.E. My favorite games are Need For Speed, Black and White2 and Prince of Persia.
I like to listen music. I like to listen Jazz, Rock and why not classic. My favorite music bands are Metallica and Scorpions. My favorite musicians are Ray Charles and Adriano Chelentano.

3. There aren't many places for teenagers for active and interest rest. But that places are very expensive for most of us. That is why I wish there to be more places where the teenagers could rest.

4. If somebody of our group will have any problem I will try to help them as much as I can.

Friday, January 23, 2009